
Comments on this site are welcome but generally I will delete those made anonymously or any posts if they are seen to attack anyone.

Tuesday 18 March 2014


If you are living across the pond you might what to look up the MagickAll (April 5 to 13, 2014) gathering hosted by David Griffin's HOGD/AO. You can read all about it here 
It will be held  on the outskirts of Las Vegas Nevada and will feature speakers on Wicca, the Golden Dawn and General Magic.

1 comment:

  1. I am slightly confused. I just came over from "Watcher of the Dawn" and see that what they said is true, you are advertising for D Griffin. Last I read you were helping to clear the B.S surrounding his order not promote it. There is also some hoopla over a left hand path working at this event, which confuses me as it seems contrary to the GD energy/path...No Judgement...just confused.
